CoFiA is very fortunate to have ongoing support from many organizations in our area. Most recently we have received a generous grant of $1000 from the Unitarian Society of Ridgewood, as well as similar grants from St. John’s Roman Catholic Church and the Sisters of St. Francis of Peace. Other consistent supporters are the Presbyterian Church in Leonia, the United Methodist Church of Leonia, and Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church in Palisades Park where we hold our lunch programs. The NJ Korean Cho Won Lutheran Church which meets in that space as well has been wonderfully helpful, including providing a bountiful Korean lunch for hungry workers on a day when CoFiA was not able to be there. In addition, the Palisades Park Health Department and Police Department help us in various ways, including providing free flu shot vouchers for the workers.
Many individuals throughout the Eastern Bergen county area continue to support our work with generous donations, and to offer jobs to workers when possible.
Thanks you, our Community of Friends!