CoFiA is honored to welcome Craig Garcia of New Jersey Working Families as the speaker at our Annual Meeting, Friday, December 4, 2015. With immigration reform stalled in the United States, his topic could not be more timely: “New Models of Organizing in NJ.”
Before joining Working Families Craig was the lead organizer at New Labor, a New Brunswick-based immigrant worker center. He designed and led a campaign for the passage of New Jersey’s first anti-wage theft ordinances, and is currently working with elected officials to implement similar legislation in Newark, Jersey City and other municipalities, and to strengthen the state laws.

CoFiA’s wage theft recovery committee continues to help many workers get money promised to them but not paid. Finding new ways of organizing and influencing decision makers is an important goal for CoFiA. Our new staff member, Sayda Tuanama, has worked closely with Craig and we are looking forward to moving ahead under her leadership.