On November 2, President Carolyn Sobering hosted the volunteer crew who plans, prepares, and serves a nourishing hot lunch every Monday, from November to March, for workers in Palisades Park. As the weather cools, the outside jobs–landscaping, demolition, construction, general maintenance–begin to disappear and we all hope for snow! During this time work and money are scarce, and the free lunch is much appreciated.
Eighteen volunteers gathered at Carolyn’s to review last year’s program and make plans for the coming season. Norm Smith introduced our new part-time community organizer, Sayda Tuanama, who will be assisting CoFiA as we work with other organizations on changes in immigration policy locally and statewide.
At the party the group decided to postpone the beginning of the season to November 16, 2015. As the weather continues to hold it seems more people are working steadily and there are not many workers on the streets. Hooray! Our Workers Link program is receiving few requests and it is not always possible to fill them readily.
If you would like to join our crew of volunteers–to help with lunches as well as many other tasks, such as wage theft, ESL instruction, Fund Development, Outreach and Publicity, and more, just send an email to info@communityoffriendsinaction.org and let us know your interests.