The Community of Friends in Action is pleased to announce that Sayda Tuanama has joined us as a part-time community organizer beginning November 2. This position is made possible by generous donations made in response to a special appeal to our members and friends. Many thanks to all, especially to the members of the Board who each made sizeable contributions.
Sayda says this about herself: “I am an organizer of multicultural workers, and of political campaigns. I am of Peruvian nationality and have had 16 years of experience in the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico with international organizations, serving my community in America to stop being invisible, to learn their labor rights, and know about health and safety at work. I am the mother of two children.”
Sayda will join Angelica Martinez, our Social Services coordinator, and Elias Garcia, who has graciously agreed to continue helping us on a volunteer basis. We are fortunate to have such experienced and dedicated people to work with us.
Welcome, Sayda!