Sayda Tuanama, along with Elias Garcia, Norm Smith, Margaret White and Angelica Martinez, has organized an informative series of programs offered during the free lunch on Mondays. These programs are especially important this year because of ongoing ICE raids and the anti-immigrant rants of some of the people running for public office.
On Monday, January 11, Brian Lozano of Wind of the Spirit advised the participants of things they can do if confronted by ICE officials–a KNOW YOUR RIGHTS presentation. On January 18, Angelica Martinez and Norm Smith spoke to the workers about banking and taxes, and Sayda Tuanama began to recruit participants for the upcoming OSHA training program, February 6 and 13 at Grace Church. On January 25, the Monday of the BIG SNOW, Anali King, a nursing student, provided an impromptu presentation on some of the health issues many migrants face.
Monday, February 8, will feature Attorney Alex Goncalves-Pena from the American Friends Service Committee presenting legal issues involved in being confronted by ICE. On February 15, Johanna Calle, program director of the NJ Alliance of Advocates for Immigrant Justice, will share the work of that organization, and invite lunch participants to join in the effort to get municipal IDs, state drivers licenses, stronger wage theft laws, and better police-community relations. The Palisades Park Health Department will do blood pressure screenings on February 22, with Paula Murphy R.N., and Carol Brush, R.N. will discuss with the workers some ways to live a healthier life in the U.S.
More programs are in the planning stages. For more information or to make suggestions call Sayda Tuanama at 973-930-2798 or email saymarytuanama@yahoo.com.