Every year the Community of Friends in Action is invited to participate in the Palisades Park Health Fair. This year we were represented by CoFiA staff members Angelica Martinez and Sayda Tuanama, as well as members Ellen Presley, Margaret White and others. We were warmly welcomed by staff from the Palisades Park Health Department Paula Murphy, Health Department nurse, and Branka Lulic, administrator.
We also had the opportunity to meet Palisades Park Mayor, James Rotundo.
Children in attendance enjoyed the gifts of special small bracelets that Angelica designed and created, and pulseras from MayaMam Weavers which we distributed. We also donated an apron from MayaMam which was included in the very popular rally which is held annually.
CoFiA is grateful for this opportunity to make the health services of Palisades Park and Bergen County better known to the Hispanic and other immigrant community. Since immigrants without documents are not eligible to receive most publicly funded social services, it is especially important for them to know about other services that are available. Health issues are especially difficult for people who are struggling to get by with very little income, and both preventive and curative treatments often are last in the order of priorities. The Palisades Park Health Department has worked closely with CoFiA to provide education on health issues through our Monday lunch program; and is always available to our social services coordinator for assistance with particular situations.