The Rotary Club of the Palisades is honoring Hans and Ellie Spiegel and Philip Choi at a special dinner to be held on Thursday, June 16, beginning with cocktails at 6:30 and dinner at 7 p.m. at Vitale’s Restaurant, 293 Queen Anne Rd., Teaneck. Tickets are $40 each and can be purchased through PayPal on the Club website (www.palisades-rotary.org). If there are problems or questions contact Philip Wilson at 201-968-8509 or WilsonPhilipE@Gmail.com.
Hans and Ellie are being recognized for their years of dedicated service to others. We in CoFiA are especially grateful for Ellie’s vision of true immigration reform, and her steadfast dedication to helping to make the lives of migrants who are living here among us–many for decades–less stressful and more productive. And Hans is with her every step of the way!