The Saturday Group of the Community of Friends in Action, with other members, have launched a voter registration drive together with other member-groups of the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice. On Saturday, July 16, 2016, two staff members from Make the Road came to the Saturday Meeting to do initial training on how to encourage people to register to vote.
On Saturday, July 23, CoFiA members will join other groups including members of Make the Road in Secaucus to conduct a voter registration drive in Braddock Park in North Bergen. Participants are invited to meet at the entrance to the park at the corner of Bergenline Ave. and 79th Street at 10 a.m. Saydy Tuanama and Norm Smith will meet people in Palisades Park, at Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, around 8:30 and take them to North Bergen.
Immigrant groups are of vital importance in the elections of 2016, and people who are concerned about a fair and just immigration system are eager to let prospective voters know how to register to express their views in the election.
To learn more about the July 23 event contact Saydy Tuanama (Saymary Tuanama@yahoo.com) or Norm Smith (Joemanton@sprynet.org).