CoFiA launches fall fund drive

We know that you care about social justice for the migrant-worker community. We know that you support CoFiA’s efforts towards that goal.

And we know that you know that everything costs money. As we launch our fall fund-raiser, we have an unusual opportunity. If we can raise $5000 by the end of the year, an anonymous donor has promised an additional $1500 as a year-end challenge grant!

Right now, in addition to our ongoing programs–hot lunch on Mondays, endless hours of wage theft research and recovery, English classes, Worker’s Link, winter clothing distribution, help for sick and injured workers–we are especially concerned about a small group of workers who are facing another cold winter of homelessness. We have once again looked for shelters that will accept them, but once again have found that the only possibility is the county shelter that only offers “sit-up” accommodations. If any of us have tried to get rest sitting up, we know this can help for a night or two, but not over the long haul. We are trying to find other ways to help them–to prevent what happened last winter when a man died on the streets of Palisades Park.

We need help! Not just money–although that’s always necessary–but suggestions and assistance. Watch your snail mail box for our letter–or just click the DONATE button on this web site. Thanks!
