We have been telling you about “Jose” who recently fell on the job and broke his back. Here is an update from the CoFiA member who has been our liaison with him, and a lovely thank you note from him.

CoFiA, both as individuals and as a group, has been helping “Jose”, a Salvadoran man who broke his back in a fall. His employer has no insurance–but, at CoFiA’s urging, the employer did settle some outstanding wages. Jose is unable to work, and we have provided some food, money and moral support. I recently met with him, and he asked me to share a note with CoFiA. I have translated his comments into English.
From “Jose”:
Hello! Beloved brothers and sisters, I am very grateful to God our Father, and to you, my friends and brothers and sisters. I don’t have the right words to thank you.
I am very happy and grateful to you for the blessing that God has given through you, to me. I am happy because of unspoken things in my heart.
I broke my back and they put me back together with six metal pins. As I’ve said, Don Norman (the CoFiA member who has been working with him), thanks to God and to your hearts, and to the intercession of the Mother of God and of all of us; here I can go forward. A special thanks to you, Don Norman, my friend. Thanks to my brothers and sisters of CoFiA.
God has always taken care of me and has always given me a hand–as you have given me, as one might wish. Your visits are welcome–thanks, and God bless you all. Amen.
November 23, 2016