Since we lost the space for our lunch program we have been distributing tickets for free lunches at local Palisades Park restaurants to workers on the street, including the homeless. They have been gratefully received. We are happy to report that the need is diminishing because with the warm weather more people are working. In addition, to our surprise and pleasure, several other restaurants are now providing free food to the workers.

We miss having access to the beautiful space at Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, where we had been welcomed since 2009. It is not only losing the opportunity to provide a warm meal and a welcoming atmosphere for the workers, it is also very sad that we are no able to present the educational sessions which were an important feature of the lunch program. This is a big loss at this particular time, because all of us are anxious about what may be happening with immigration policy and enforcement, and we need to help one another stay up to date.

We are still looking for a new home! Please help!