Saturday groupThe CoFiA Saturday Group (“delegados”) met on Saturday night, May 19, at the Grand Shilla Bakery on Broad Avenue. We were pleased to welcome Elias Garcia, a long-time member and volunteer with CoFiA, who has agreed to work with this group. The current focus is the “Let’s Drive New Jersey” campaign, which is being sponsored by New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice, Cosecha, and other groups.
Our good friend EliasThe group signed postcards to be sent to New Jersey legislators, as well as a petition to be taken to Trenton, urging the adoption of a bill currently before the legislature that would allow anyone living in New Jersey to have licenses to drive. This is a very important issue not only for immigrants but for other people in the state who are currently prevented from having licenses because of age, disability, or other factors. CoFiA is working with NJAIJ and other groups to promote the legislation.