Winter Campaign Update–“Add a Zero!

CoFiA bumper stickers

We are thrilled to report that our winter fund-raising campaign is going well. Our Anonymous Donor, who has pledged to provide a donation of $1500 if we get to $5000, may be getting nervous! Let’s keep him on edge.

Here’s another idea. “Add a Zero!” Just adding a zero to your financial pledge sounds non-threatening, right? For a $10 pledge, a zero could make it $100! A $50 donation turns into $500! How about $100, totallingt $1000?!!! Or $500 — no that’s taking it a little too far, maybe.

But know that whatever you can share will help us help the homeless on the streets of Pal Park; support the lunch program; strengthen the wage theft collection effort; encourage our ESL students; and much more.

And thanks!

Help Needed

We are sorry to report that one of the workers, “Jose,” recently suffered a broken back in a fall on the job. He had extensive surgery and was hospitalized for some time, and now is unable to work; even walking is very difficult. He was working for a sub-contractor who did not carry insurance, and also owed him for several days’wages. The sub-contractor did not respond at all to calls from Jose–not even to wish him well.


The CoFiA wage theft committee has been able to contact the sub-contractor and secure some of the back wages, but as is often the case he says he has not been paid by the contractor. Jose has found a lawyer who is assisting him on a contingency basis, but this can be a long and uncertain process.

In the meantime, Jose is left with no way to cover ongoing expenses. Individual CoFiA members have assisted him, for which he is very grateful. But of course a little doesn’t go a long way in such circumstances.

If you can contribute something to help this very responsible, capable person who is anxious to cover his financial obligations and return to work, send a check to CoFiA (P.O.Box 313, Leonia, NJ 07605) with “Jose” on the memo line and we will get it to him immediately.

In times like these, being able to help someone who is trying so hard and is so grateful has the wonderful benefit of making the donor feel great!

Where Do We Go From Here?–Dec. 1 Program

With the BIG SURPRISE election now behind us, immigrants and those of us in the immigrants rights community are scratching our heads trying to figure out the most urgent things we need to do next.

CoFiA has invited our old friend Chia Chia Wang, of the American Friends Service Committee, to join us for our ANNUAL MEETING and DESSERT POTLUCK, on Thursday, December 1, 2016, at 7:15 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church in Leonia, 181 Fort Lee Road, Leonia, to give us some insights and suggestions.

Chia Chia and friends, 2009

Chia Chia has worked with CoFiA for many years. This photo, from 2009 (!) shows her with two graduates of an OSHA training program (Amado, on the left, returned to Guatemala where he is a teacher–and a grandparent!).

We are delighted that she is able to be with us.

RSVP or call 201-833-1737.

Lunch Program Begins November 21

Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, at the corner of Broad Ave. and Homestead St., will continue to host our weekly cold-weather lunch program beginning on Monday, November 21, 2016. Volunteers and guests alike are looking forward to seeing each other again.

Elias Garcia dropped by one Monday
Food, warmth, and friendship
A program on alcoholism
A wage theft collection celebration
A wage theft collection celebration
Our winter clothing drive
Hostess Angelica

CoFiA launches fall fund drive

We know that you care about social justice for the migrant-worker community. We know that you support CoFiA’s efforts towards that goal.

And we know that you know that everything costs money. As we launch our fall fund-raiser, we have an unusual opportunity. If we can raise $5000 by the end of the year, an anonymous donor has promised an additional $1500 as a year-end challenge grant!

Right now, in addition to our ongoing programs–hot lunch on Mondays, endless hours of wage theft research and recovery, English classes, Worker’s Link, winter clothing distribution, help for sick and injured workers–we are especially concerned about a small group of workers who are facing another cold winter of homelessness. We have once again looked for shelters that will accept them, but once again have found that the only possibility is the county shelter that only offers “sit-up” accommodations. If any of us have tried to get rest sitting up, we know this can help for a night or two, but not over the long haul. We are trying to find other ways to help them–to prevent what happened last winter when a man died on the streets of Palisades Park.

We need help! Not just money–although that’s always necessary–but suggestions and assistance. Watch your snail mail box for our letter–or just click the DONATE button on this web site. Thanks!


NJAIJ Summit–Saturday, December 10, Ewing, NJ

NJ AIJ sponsored the eventNJAFIJ_Logo_sds
The New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice has announced plans for its first state-wide summit meeting on Saturday, December 10, 2016, from 9 – 3:30 p.m. at the College of New Jersey in Ewing. Representatives of the many member organizations are invited to send participants at the member rate of $15/person, breakfast and lunch included. CoFiA is one of the members of the Alliance and will be well represented.
The deadline for registration is Tuesday, November 22. If any member of CoFiA wishes to participate, let us know and we will include you on the registration form. Or you can register individually at, using COFIA as the discount code.
Specific information on workshops and panels is forthcoming, and we will share it as it comes in.

Homeless in New Jersey

Hopefully the workers in the photo did not have an experience like this!

We are all familiar with the scene: Workers standing on street corners, hoping for a job. There are many different situations–some are waiting for a specific employer to pick them up, others just hope that someone will need them that day. Most of the people we know have been successful enough to pay their bills, send something home to families, and save enough for the months when there is little work.

A few, though, fall into a downward spiral of unemployment, often hastened by alcoholism. They may exist by sleeping in some protected spot on the street, living under bridges, or staying with friends for a few nights. As the cold weather approaches, prospects for their survival grow ever dimmer. Last winter it was reported that one man died on the street in Palisades Park, and two others managed to get back to their home country where they passed away because they were sick.

CoFiA is concerned about them. They came here out of desperation but full of hope that they would find a better life. But as the disease of alcoholism overtook them and work dwindled to nothing, it seems there is no hope for the future.

Is this inevitable in a country like ours, where so many have so much? Is there no way we can share a little, in some organized way that will actually make a difference? Let us know if you have ideas or suggestions.

Dinner invitation corrections

Last week we sent an invitation from the Leonia United Methodist Church to join them for a potluck supper.  There were several errors in our post (sorry!)

Jose Lino Chocoj, cantante y compsitor
Music by Joselino Chocoj

The dinner is at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, NOVEMBER 13, and there is no charge. It’s a potluck so bring a dish if you wish.

RSVP to 201-944-2970.  The address is 396 Broad Avenue, Leonia. Plenty of parking


Dinner Invitation — Dec. 13, 2016

Joselino Chocoj entertained
Joselino Chocoj will perform

CoFiA members and friends are invited to participate in a potluck dinner at the Leonia United Methodist Church on Sunday, December 13, 2016. Dinner begins at 6:00. There is a modest charge of $4.00, and we are invited to bring a dish to share.

The program will begin at 7:00. The musician is Joselino Chocoj, who has provided music for CoFiA events for many years, most recently as the producer of the group Talento Juvenil that played for our Fiesta. He is also a song writer and guitarist. Our intern, Andreanna, said his songs always make her cry–although not all of them are sad!

To RSVP call the church at 201-944-2970.  The church is at 396 Broad Avenue in Leonia, and there is lots of parking.