BCISG and NJ Alliance for Immigrant Justice



We recently received notice from the Bergen County Immigration Strategy Group (BCISG) that they are working on immigration issues in eastern Bergen County and other areas of the county.  They focus mostly on Cliffside Park, Fort Lee, Englewood, Tenafly, Teaneck and Hackensack.

BCISG, with other groups, is working on promoting Fair and Welcoming municipal policies, one of the initiatives of the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice, of which CoFiA is a member. Another effort they are discussing is bringing the Rapid Response and detainee-accompaniment training of the statewide network “Faith in NJ” to Bergen County.  This type of response activity is being organized around the United States, to bear witness at ICE actions, and accompany detainees during imprisonment.  BCISG feels that if immigration activists are trained for these strategies we will be better  prepared if the Federal administration escalates their detention and deportation tactics in 2018.

Members of BCISG plan to attend the next CoFiA meeting on Thursday, November 2, at 7:15, at the Presbyterian Church in Leonia, 181 Fort Lee Road, Leonia.  They also invite members of CoFiA to attend their next meeting on Monday, October 30, from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., at the Ethical Culture Society, 687 Larch Ave., Teaneck.



Recientemente recibimos un aviso del Grupo de Estrategia de Inmigración del Condado de Bergen (BCISG) de que están trabajando en asuntos de inmigración en el este del Condado de Bergen y otras áreas del condado. Se enfocan principalmente en Cliffside Park, Fort Lee, Englewood, Tenafly, Teaneck y Hackensack.

BCISG, junto con otros grupos, trabaja en la promoción de políticas municipales justas y acogedoras, una de las iniciativas de la Alianza para la Justicia de los Inmigrantes de Nueva Jersey, de la cual CoFiA es miembro. Otro esfuerzo que están discutiendo es llevar el entrenamiento de respuesta rápida y acompañamiento a detenidos de la red estatal “Faith in NJ” al condado de Bergen. Este tipo de actividad de respuesta se está organizando en los Estados Unidos, para ser testigo de las acciones de ICE y acompañar a los detenidos durante el encarcelamiento. BCISG considera que si los activistas de inmigración están entrenados para estas estrategias, estaremos mejor preparados si la administración federal intensifica sus tácticas de detención y deportación en 2018.

Los miembros de BCISG planean asistir a la próxima reunión de CoFiA el jueves, 2 de noviembre, a las 7:15, en la Iglesia Presbiteriana en Leonia, 181 Fort Lee Road, Leonia. También invitan a los miembros de CoFiA a asistir a su próxima reunión el lunes 30 de octubre, de 7:00 a 8:00 p.m., en la Ethical Culture Society, 687 Larch Ave., Teaneck.

Para obtener más información, o confirmar su asistencia a la invitación, comuníquese con Peter Jamieson al 201-705-4505 o

For more information, or to RSVP to the invitation,  contact Peter Jamieson at 201-705-4505 or Translation by Icelsa Mejia.

Outreach Auction — November 4, 2017


The Community of Friends in Action has been chosen to be one of the five causes and charities that will receive funds raised at the 2017 Outreach Auction.  This unusual event is sponsored by the three Unitarian Universalist congregations in Bergen County–Central Unitarian Church, Unitarian Society of Ridgewood, and the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palisades.  100% of the proceeds for the evening go to the selected charities which are selected based on the impact they have on those in need in Bergen County, regardless of religious affiliation. Tickets are $35.

Since the first Outreach Auction in 2000, it has raised more than $525,000, all of which is distributed to the charities.

The event begins at 6:30 p.m. and includes  hors d’oeuvres, beverages including coffee, dessert and a free sheet of tricky tray tickets valued at $15.  Supporters are also invited to donate a themed basket and ask for donations from favorite spots.  CoFiA members who wish to donate a basket (value of $50) are asked to contact us at info@communityoffriendsinaction and arrange for pick-up before October 28. 

For more information go to  And please let us know if you can attend.  Funds raised depend to a large extent on supporters participating in the event and “bidding” to contribute to the auction!  


La Communidad de Amigos en Accion ha sido elegida para ser una de las cinco causas y organizaciones beneficas que recibiran fondos recaudados en la subasta de alcance 2017. Este evento  inusual  es patrocinado por tres  Congregaciones Unitarias Universalistas en el Condado de Bergen—Iglesia  Unitaria Central, Sociedad Unitaria de Ridgewood, y la Congregacion Unitaria Universalista de los Palisades.  El 100% de los ingresos de la tarde se destinan a las organizaciones beneficas seleccionadas, que se seleccionan  en funcion del impacto que tienen en los necesitados en el Condado de Bergen, independientemente de su afiliacion religiosa. Los boletos cuestan $ 35.

Desde la primera Subasta de Alcance en 2000, se ha recaudado mas de              $525,000, todo lo cual se distribuye a organizaciones beneficas.

El evento  comienza  a las 6:30 p.m.  e incluye  entremeses, bebidas que incluyen café, postre y una hoja gratuita de boletos de bandeja complicados valorados en $ 15. Los simpatizantes tambien estan invitados a donar una canasta tematica y pedir donaciones de los lugares favoritos.  Los miembros de CoFiA que deseen donar una canasta ( valor de $ 50) se le piden ponerse en contacto con nosotros en info@communityoffriendsinaction y hacer los arreglos para la recogida antes del @8 de Octubre.

Para obtener mas informacion, visite  Y por favor, haganos saber si puede asistir.  Los fondos recaudados dependen en gran medida de los partidarios que participant en el evento y que “ pujan” para contribuir a la subasta!


Sayda Tuanama with student Emily

We are sorry to inform you that the eldest sister of our Community Organizer, Sayda Tuanama, passed away last week in Peru. Sayda has gone to Peru to be with her family in this difficult time.

If you would like to contribute to a memorial gift in her sister’s honor, make checks payable to CoFiA, with Memorial Gift on the memo line, and mail to us at Community of Friends in Action, P.O. Box 313, Leonia, NJ, 07605.

CoFiA T-Shirts Now Available

Delegados in t-shirts
T-shirt on display
Another view

We have reordered the handsome navy blue CoFiA T’s in sizes medium, large, and extra large. For information on pricing and pick up, send us an email at and we’ll work out details. They will also be available at the CoFiA monthly meetings (next session is November 2), at the weekly staff meeting at Shillah Deli on Broad Ave. in Palisades Park, at ESL classes at the PP library, etc.

Hemos reordenado el hermoso azul marino CoFiA T’s en tamanos medianos, grandes y extra grandes. Para obtener informacion sobre los precios y la recogida, envienos un correo electronico a y trabajaremos en los detalles. Tambien estaran disponibles en las reunions mensuales de CoFiA ( la proxima session es el 2 de Noviembre), en la reunion semanal del personal en Shillah Deli en Broad Ave. en Palisades Park, en las clases de ESL en la biblioteca de PP, etc.



Fine artist Steve Cavallo is beginning a new project, creating portraits of the workers and others in the Hispanic Community. He studied art in NYC’s School of Visual Arts in the 1970s. Since then he exhibited in galleries throughout the world. His current exhibit is in Independence, California, and soon he will be exhibiting in Seoul, Korea. He also works full-time at the Palisades Park Library where he teaches ESL and Watercolor painting.

His work, which can be seen on his website is mostly about human rights issues. He has done many paintings about victims of WWII, including Comfort Women, Holocaust survivors and veterans. His exhibit in California is about American-born Japanese people, who were unjustly imprisoned in internment camps only because they were of Japanese descent.

Steve says, “My art goes beyond just a pretty painting. It tells a story that otherwise might not be heard. People will look at a painting and read a short caption, rather than talk face-to-face with someone. My idea for these paintings is to show everyone that each person is someone with dreams, hopes and a future, not a collection of people in a group. I want the people looking at the paintings to look into the eyes of the subject and see the pain and suffering that was endured to get here, and the worry people have about possibly having to leave.”

Steve recently hung a dramatic show at Bergen PAC in Englewood, and it is possible this new exhibit will hang there as well. Another possibility is the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Both of these venues have hosted his exhibitions many times.

We are happy that Steve is interested in the lives and dreams of the workers and others we are involved with in Palisades Park and nearby areas. If you know someone who might be interested in being included, ask them to send an email to us at and we will put them in touch with Steve. He works from photographs which can be taken at the Palisades Park library.




El artista de bellas artes Steve Cavallo esta comensando un Nuevo projecto, creando retratos de los trabajadores y otros en la Comunidad Hispana. El studio en la Universidad de Arte Visual de New York City en los 1970s. Desde ese tiempo a tenido excibiciones en gallerias por todo el mundo. Recientemente tiene una excibicion en Independencia, California, y pronto tendra una excibicion en Seoul, Korea. El trabaja de tiempo complete en la biblioteca de Palisades Park donde da clases de ESL y pintura en Acuarelas.


Su trabajo, el cual puede ser visto en su portada virtual es principalmente sobre

Los problemas de derechos humanos. El a hecho muchas pinturas sobre las victimas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, inclullendo las Mujeres Confortables, sobrevivientes del Holocausto y Veteranos. Su excibicion en California es sobre la gente nacidas Americanos-Japoneses, los cuales fueron injustamente encarcelados en campos de internamiento solo porque eran de decendencia Japonesa.


Steve dice, “  Mi arte va mas alla de una bonitas pinturas. Cuenta una historia que de que otro modo podria no escucharse. La gente mirara una pintura y leera un breve titulo, en lugar de hablar cara a cara con alguien. Mi idea para estas pinturas es mostrarles a todos que cada persona es alquien con suenos, esperanzas y un futuro, no una coleccion de personas en un grupo. Quiero que las personas que miren las pinturas miren a los ojos del sujeto y vean el dolor y el sufrimiento que sufrieron para llegar hasta aqui, y la preocupacion que tienen la pesonas de tener que posiblemente irse.”


Steve recientemente colgo un espectaculo dramatico en el Bergen PAC de Englewood,  y es posible que esta nueva excibicion tambien sea colgada en este lugar. Otra posibilidad es el John Jay Colegio de Justicia Criminal. Estos dos locales han presentado sus exposiciones muchas veces.


Estamos contentos de que Ateve este interesado en las vidas y suenos de los trabajadores y otras personas involucradas en Palisades Park y areas cercanas. Si conoce a alguien que pueda estar interesado en ser incluido, pidales que nos envien un correo electronico a  y los pondremos en contacto con Steve. El trabaja desde fotografia, las que se pueden tomar en la biblioteca de Palidades Park.




Wage Theft Workshop October 4, 2017

A wage theft collection celebration
Discussing a wage theft complaint







The Community of Friends in Action, Inc., will present a workshop on wage theft on Wednesday, October 4, 2017, at 7:15 at the Palisades Park Public Library, 257 Second Street in Palisades Park.  Free and open to the public.

Nearly all the workers report having experienced wage theft.  An employer will pick them up for a day or week’s work (or more) and at the end of the agreed period refuse to pay.  Excuses range from “I don’t have the money today but will pay you next week” to “The contractor hasn’t paid me so I can’t pay you,” “I don’t like the quality of your work,” and more.

In fact is, any employer for whom a worker does an agreed-upon day or week or more of work owes that person the wage agreed on.  Even for people without documents, the Department of Labor provides protection for this practice.  CoFIA’s wage theft committee hears many such complaints and is able to assist with some (but not all).  A last resort may be to file the complaint with the NJ Department of Labor, and most such filings result in judgments for the worker.  However, the DOL has very limited enforcement power, so many judgments do not result in money for the worker.  Some do come to fruition, however, and make a big difference.  One group of workers won a large case which the DOL agreed could be paid out in increments over a number of years.  These workers are still receiving regular checks–always a nice surprise when it has been so long since the judgment.

Anyone who has a complaint is encouraged to call us at 201-598-2253.  Our coordinator will arrange a meeting to take the details of the case, which must include specific information on the days and hours worked and not paid; the name and contact information of the employer; and the name and contact information of the worker.  In Spanish or English.



¿Que hacer?

FECHA:       Miércoles   Octubre 4, 2017

HORA:         7:15  a 8:45 P.M.

LUGAR:       Biblioteca Pública de Palisades Park

DIRECCIÓN: 257 2nd Street,  Palisades Park , NJ


Para familias  en la comunidad.

Llame al 201-598-2253


Presentado Por:

Comunidad de Amigos en Acción, Inc.

P.O. Box 313, Leonia, NJ 07605.




estrada family
This father has been deported
New Members with Sayda and intern Andreanna
CoFiA welcomes new members
illegal people
Understanding immigration issues is important


Many people are asking what we can do to support immigrants in this difficult time.  Here are a few ideas:

1.Participate in local events to support immigrants and refugees. Organizations such as the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice, the American Friends Service Committee Immigrants Rights Program, First Friends of NY and NJ, ACLU are all rich sources of information about what is happening and upcoming events where you can show your support. The National Immigration Law Center is a good resource for legal updates on immigration issues.

2. Educate yourself and speak out! The air is full of false statements about immigrants and their impact on society. Review the web sites of the organizations listed above, and ours too, to update your information.  If you want a brief  “elevator speech” try this one ( borrowed from Neighbors Link of Mt. Kisco, NY):

Immigrants are good for our country, our economy, and our democracy.  Most of us are descended from immigrants, and we know from our own family histories that when immigrants are integrated into a community, everyone thrives. I am going to stand up for the immigrants who are my neighbors.

3. Don’t “out” your undocumented friends. Sometimes well-meaning groups that want to support immigrants but have no direct connections with immigrant groups ask us if we could suggest someone who could come to speak at a meeting. Most people without documents do not want to be put in the public eye.  It is much better to find other ways to learn about immigration  issues. (reading, videos, speakers from various organizations.)

4. Report bona fide ICE actions but don’t spread rumors. When we ask our friends if they have heard of ICE raids on homes, work places, or on the street many will say they heard that a friend of a friend was picked up getting on a bus. These vague rumors only increase fear and do not provide concrete evidence that something is going on.  Go to the web sites of the groups listed above to get more solid information.  Or contact United We Dream Migra Watch Hotline at 1-844-363-1423 or Immigrant Defense Project at 212-725-6422.  If you actually witness an ICE action document  it with a many details as possible, including photos.

5.Donate to a reliable organization. Some organizations, like CoFiA, may have special funds you can specify.  For example, if you want to help people get bonded out of immigration detention,  put that on your CoFiA donation check memo line.  If you want to help immigrants in general with various emergency needs, put “Spiegel Fund” on the memo line.  (The daily grind of trying to cope with needing work, housing, food, child care, etc., goes on whatever ICE is up to. )

6.Volunteer. CoFiA needs a wide variety of volunteers for our committees:

A—Carpools:   people to take our friends to appointments, including immigration check-ins, medical, dental, legal, etc.

B–Rapid Response Team (RRT); people who would be ready to help if someone is arrested, detained, or deported.

C—Providing safe housing. A group of volunteers who would be willing to take immigrants and/or their children into their homes if they fear being picked up by ICE—or have been picked up already leaving children behind.

D—Form fillers.  We need a few people to help fill out various ICE-related forms such as a Power of Attorney for guardians of children who are at risk if parents are deported, or other forms such as school registration.

E—ESL, literacy, or civics teachers.  These could be group settings or one-on-one.

If you want to help with any of these or other tasks, send us an email at  Caution:  none of these are easy, nor can we guarantee that you could perform the services on a specific day or time or month.  The life of an immigrant is lived day-by-day and hour-by-hour.  To be able to help we have to be able to share that uncertainty.

Emergency Preparedness Workshop

Members of CoFiA and staff recently presented a workshop on how families can prepare in case of the sudden deportation of one or more parents. The staff and members have been doing Leadership Training around this and other difficult issues all summer. We are grateful to the Palisades Park Public library for providing space for training and workshops. Stay tuned for information on upcoming sessions!

workshop participants
CoFiA pics
CoFiA members and others
CoFiA pics
a diverse group
Saydy and Mr. Norm
Emergency planning flyer 9.19.17
Emergency planning workshop