Supreme Court ruling not a surprise


By now, you may have seen that the U.S. Supreme Court issued a disappointing decision today in US v. Texas. That decision can be found here: The decision consists of a single line: “The judgment is affirmed by an equally divided Court.”
This means that the Court split 4-4, which leaves the Fifth Circuit decision, upholding the District Court’s nationwide injunction of DAPA and expanded DACA, in place by default. (Statement from the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice.)

While this is certainly disappointing to all of us, especially 4 million people living in the U.S. without documents who might have benefitted, it is hardly a surprise. Even had Justice Scalia not died, leaving the 4 – 4 division within the court, it is almost certain he would have voted against the administration.

However, as President Obama said in his comments on the ruling, it is not anticipated that there will be an immediate impact. It does not affect the DREAMers who will continue to be covered; nor will the people who would have been eligible for DAPA rise to a higher priority in the immigration and customs enforcement deportation policy.

So–we keep on fighting for a sane and fair immigration policy, and assisting those who continue to fall into difficulties because of the erratic nature of that policy.

CoFiA Welcomes New Members

New Members with Sayda and intern Andreanna
New Members with Sayda and intern Andreanna


In November, 2015, CoFiA sent out an appeal to our members and friends for additional contributions to help us hire a part-time community organizer.  Thanks to the generous response to the appeal, we were able to employ Sayda Tuanama, an experienced organizer, to join us.  Her duties involve working with the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice, (NJAIJ) a state-wide group that is aiming to create state-based policies that will improve the lives of undocumented migrants, in the absence of any movement on federal immigration reform.

Sayda has been hard at work reaching out to the immigrant community in our area, and has received a wonderful response.  On Saturday, June 18, 2016, a large group  received their CoFiA membership cards and were honored at a dinner at Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church.

We are delighted to have this enthusiastic group of new members.  They will be working with Sayda,  CoFiA, and the members of NJAIJ, to develop strategies to allow migrants to obtain New Jersey Drivers Licenses,  and/or municipal or county ID cards, and to improve relations between immigrants and police,  and guard against wage theft.

Watch this space for further information about this energetic group, and join us as we participate in various actions in the coming months.

Spiegels honored by Rotary Club of the Palisades

Ellie and Philip Choi
Ellie and Philip Choi
The Spiegels
The Spiegels


Ellie Spiegel, founder, and her husband Hans, both long-time members of CoFiA, were honored by the Rotary Club of the Palisades on June 16, 2016, with a Paul Harris Fellowship Award for Community Service. The presenter, Roland P. Weimer, Past President of the Club, reviewed the couple’s long history of outstanding careers both in this country and abroad, as well as their amazing record of community service.
Members of CoFiA join the members of the Rotary Club of the Palisades in gratitude for the work of this unusual couple. Ellie recognized the needs of the many immigrants, especially from Guatemala, who have come to this country fleeing violence and economic devasation at home. Ellie and Hans have been steadfast in their support of CoFia as it has grown over the years.  We literally would not exist without them!

Philip Choi, a local businessman and a Founding Member of the Rotary Club, was also honored with a Paul Harris Fellowship Awards.  Both Mr. and Mrs. Choi have been strong supporters of CoFiA; Mrs. Choi has frequently assisted our wage theft committee in providing assistance for situations that need translation.  Congratulations and many thanks!

Correction–Membership party is SATURDAY, June 18

cofia at rally
CoFiA welcomes new members on Saturday, June 18

Please note–the party to welcome new members to CoFiA is this coming Saturday, June 18, from 6 – 8 p.m. at Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, Broad and Homestead Streets, Palisades Park.

Everyone is invited! If you can come and bring food for the potluck, please let me know–

Spiegels to be Honored by Rotary Club

Hans and Ellie
Angelica and Ellie at a recent lunch

The Rotary Club of the Palisades is honoring Hans and Ellie Spiegel and Philip Choi at a special dinner to be held on Thursday, June 16, beginning with cocktails at 6:30 and dinner at 7 p.m. at Vitale’s Restaurant, 293 Queen Anne Rd., Teaneck. Tickets are $40 each and can be purchased through PayPal on the Club website ( If there are problems or questions contact Philip Wilson at 201-968-8509 or

Hans and Ellie are being recognized for their years of dedicated service to others. We in CoFiA are especially grateful for Ellie’s vision of true immigration reform, and her steadfast dedication to helping to make the lives of migrants who are living here among us–many for decades–less stressful and more productive. And Hans is with her every step of the way!

Talento Juvenil Concert–June 17, 2016

concert on June 17, 2016
concert on June 17, 2016
Jose Lino Chocoj, cantante y compsitor
Joselino Chocoj

CoFiA is happy to share with you news of this upcoming concert by a new musical group, Talento Juvenil (Young Talent) The leader is CoFiA member Joselino Chocoj, who is well-known to many of us for his various talents.

We first met him as the leader of a traditional Guatemalan dance group, Grupo Folklorico de Tikal, which presented the story of a famous Guatemalan hero. He has since moved on to composing and singing, sharing his talents with us at CoFiA meetings, at our lunch programs, and at the Saturday afternoon meetings of workers. After a presentation at the OSHA graduation ceremony in May, our intern Andreanna confessed to being moved to tears.

Joselino is committed to keeping Guatemalan culture alive in the United States and sharing both the joys and sorrows of the community as they try to make their way through this strange and often hostile culture. He sings of the wide range of experiences–from romance, to anger over the treatment of immigrants here, and longing for the homeland.

We are honored that Talento Juvenil will share their talents at our Fiesta Justicia on September 23, 2016 in Leonia. For a preview, why not check them out on June 17?

By Invitation Only–Membership Party June 18, 2016

Sayda and Norm talk to the workers
Sayda and Norm talk to the workers
Celebrating completion of the OSHA training program
Teacher Betty and CoFiA Vice-Chair Roni in the advanced class
Teacher Betty and CoFiA Vice-Chair Roni in the advanced ESL class
Napoleon receives his stolen wages
Happiness is receiving wages that were stolen
Angelica and Norm at one of the lunch programs

For many years, CoFiA staff, members, and friends have provided ongoing services to our friends in the migrant community in Palisades Park and the surrounding area. This year, 2016, in response to an invitation from Community Organizer Sayda Tuanama, sixteen people indicated they would like to become members of the organization. We are celebrating this wonderful decision with a special party on FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 2016, FROM 6 – 8 AT GRACE EVANGELICAL CHURCH, Broad and Homestead Streets, Palisades Park. Everyone is welcome–if you can come and contribute something yummy to the dinner, please let us know (201-833-1737 or Monetary donations may be made to CoFiA and mailed to us at P.O. Box 313, Leonia, NJ 07605, or by using the paypal function on this web site ( And thank you!

SAVE THE DATE!!! September 23, 2016

Fun for all generations--LaFiesta 2013
Fun for all generations–LaFiesta 2013
Even as summer approaches, CoFiA members and friends are planning our fall fiesta to be held at The Legion Hall, 399 Broad Avenue, Leonia.

The theme for this year’s very special event is FIESTA JUSTICIA–Aqui y Alla, in honor of Guatemalan Independence Day on September 15, and a very special U.S. election on November 8.

In both countries justice and democratic principles are under fire. In Guatemala thousands of indigenous people marched to the capital this spring, protesting the destruction of water, air, land and human rights by international and national corporations. In the U.S., a hard-fought election campaign is seeing powerful business and political interests being challenged by groups struggling to bring the voices of the dispossessed and powerless into the discussion.

FIESTA JUSTICIA will recognize these struggles even as we celebrate the wonders of being alive, being together, and working to create a better world for everyone, rich and poor, documented and undocumented.

Watch for more information on these pages, and mark your calendars now for SEPTEMBER 23, 2016!!

Another wage theft victory

Napoleon receives his stolen wages
Happiness is receiving stolen wages

Wage theft is a very ancient wrong. The old testament book of Deuteronomy 24:14-15 reads: “You shall not oppress a hired hand…whether one of your brethren or one of the aliens who is in your land within your gates. Each day you shall give him his wages, and not let the sun go down on it, for he is poor and has set his heart on it.”
Wage theft is still very much with us, and the community we serve is very vulnerable. Many don’t speak our language, don’t understand their rights and our laws, and have few legal protections. There’s no easier way for an unscrupulous or incompetent employer to balance the budget than to cheat the migrant workers.
It happens a lot, and CoFiA works hard to settle cases. After we receive a complaint, we talk to the employer. Sometimes it takes detective work because the worker may only have the boss’s first name, and maybe a cell number. If this doesn’t work, we’ll help the worker file an NJ Department of Labor case. The process is slow and laborious, and it’s a glimpse into the dark side of the world of work. It’s not always successful. But when it is, as this payday photo shows, it’s rewarding!
–Norm Smith, Wage Theft Committee. Photo by Mr. Smith


CoFiA was proud to present official certificates from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to a group of students who recently completed their training. Our ceremony was hosted by CoFiA member Carmita Sanchez Fong at her lovely home in Leonia. Good food, good conversation, and a well-deserved recognition for hard work! Thanks to our community organizer, Sayda Tuanama, for putting the event together, and to CoFiA member Norm Smith for his able assistance. Our own Joselino Chocoj provided much-appreciated entertainment.

Sayda and the graduates
A beautiful afternoon
Mr. Norm and the grads
Joselino Chocoj entertained
Joselino Chocoj entertained