Now that we can finally see the ground, many of us are finding that the winter’s weather played havoc with our landscaping, steps, garages, roofs, and much more. CoFiA is already receiving requests for workers to help with repairs and cleanups. We are happy to pass the requests along–but please remember that we may not be able to find someone who is available in a day or two. Contact us at info@communityoffriendsinaction and Angelica will try to find an appropriate worker as soon as possible.
Please remember that accepting one job means the worker is not available for another at that time. We ask that homeowners guarantee at least a half-day’s work, at a rate negotiated with the worker. Transportation may also be needed, depending on where the job is to be done, as well as specialized tools if necessary. Workers have a wide range of skills, so please be specific in your request for what the job will entail.